In Beauty Center Mojacar we offer an effective solution to eliminate localized fat and unsightly cellulitis.

What is Aqualix?
Aqualix solution is an aqueous gel base, and bio-compatible and is an acid that is present in the human body. It is fully resorbable by the human body so is a safe and effective treatment (clients must follow after care procedure).

What are its main benefits?
Its main function is to eliminate localized fat adipocytes destroying all without having to undergo surgery. Please note that it is NOT a slimming treatment that fights against being overweight or obese, but it is a HIGHLY EFFECTIVE TREATMENT to remove accumulations of fat. The most common areas are the abdomen, hips , muscles , knees and arms.

How is the treatment performed?
The product is introduced into the treatment area via an extra fine needle through single punctures directly in adipose tissue (technique called Intralipotherapy), the adipocyte liquefied lipids are then naturally eliminated through the lymphatic system.

When will the results look like?
The results are quite visible  from the first session onwards; in order to achieve satisfactory results and depending on the individual and on the doctor's recommendation, at least three sessions will be necessary with three/four week interval between sessions.

How long the session?
Approximate:  The session lasts around 30 minutes.

What should the client do prior to treatment?
In order to minimize discomfort we recommend that the client applies a topical anaesthetic to the treatment area at least 2 hours prior to treatment. We will give full pre-treatment advice during the initial consultation. Once the treatment completed it is recommended to use a support garment such as the type sold in chemists, during the first few days. Again, full advice is given during the consultation.

It is not advisable to receive this treatment during pregnancy and lactation. Certain infectious diseases, acute or chronic infections and severe medical conditions such as heart disease, liver disease and diabetes etc. Likewise it should not be used for patients with a history of allergic or anaphylactic reactions. During the initial consultation the practioner will ask all the relevant medical questions in order to ensure that the client is suitable for treatment.

aqualix-producto aqualix

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